Jewish Roots

The devil has gone in devising a world-wide religion in which even thinking God has a Son is considered so much of a sin that Muslims are afraid to even consider it.

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When we know-that-we-know-that-we-know that God is good and merciful and He continues to keep His promises to and about Israel, our faith is strengthened by seeing His faithfulness to His Word.

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Luke wrote his account of Yeshua and Acts of the believers to a man named Theophilus. It happens that there was a high priest of that name from A.D. 37-41.

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A friend sent me a list of some of the names of God recently. As I began to ponder each one, I thought how grateful I am for each of those aspects of God.

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Last week I was in the presence of the likes of Joshua and Caleb — men of “a different spirit” (Numbers 14:24), men of strength, boldness and gentle humility, and most of all, men who believe God. These men are leaders who lead other leaders as high ranking Generals in the Israeli army.

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There is much evidence to confirm that the Gospel of Matthew was written in Hebrew and with this understanding has come a good bit of revelation of what Yeshua was really saying.

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Hanukkah, the Festival of Dedication, is the celebration of the Hebrews rededication of the temple after it was desecrated by the Syrians while God kept the “perpetual light” lit for eight days with only one day’s worth of oil. Yeshua is the light of the world and the perpetual light in our lives. This isn’t just a Jewish folk tale. There is much to be learned of Him to inspire us in the Hanukkah story.

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What’s your picture of Israel today? What do you think it looks like? The media often makes it seem like Israel is barely hanging on, in crisis all the time, and losing the battle. Such is surely not the case.

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There are many people with tattoos these days. They seem to be “in vogue.” However, there’s a teaching going around claiming that “Yeshua has a tatt,” too. The teaching is that when Yeshua returns He will be the bearer of a tattoo on His thigh that says, “Lord of lords and King of kings.” There are at least a few reasons why that cannot be true.

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One person in ministry wrote a rather disturbed email to me about an issue I agree is a serious one, that of whether or not to preach the Gospel to the Jews.

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