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I am so overwhelmed right now by the favor of God after what just happened this past weekend in Jerusalem. I had been telling you I was getting ready to lead a Jewish evangelistic outreach somewhere in the world but I could not share all of the details because the traditional Jewish community would try to stop it. Now that it is finished, I can no longer be silent!
650 unsaved Jewish people came to my lecture on the supernatural in Jerusalem on Saturday, April 18, 2015. After I started speaking, so many Jewish people raised their hands to say they were healed that I couldn’t count them all. But the best part is this: After I presented the Gospel, 98% of the 650 unsaved Jews stood to make a profession of faith in Jesus as Messiah!
This is, without a doubt, the most significant event in my 40 years of ministry and it wouldn’t have been possible without the prayers and gifts to support our ministry from partners like you.
It is a new day in Israel. The Jewish people in Israel are open to the Gospel like never before. One believer who attended the outreach said he had never seen anything like it before in Israel. Will you continue to partner with us so we can continue evangelizing the Jewish people? The harvest is great at this set time to favor Zion!
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Have you been blessed by our television shows, radio broadcasts, social media pages, and other outreaches? If so, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. Your support helps make our entire ministry possible and helps us share the good news of the Messiah around the world.
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