Where Do Rabbis Go When They Die? (Digital Download) by Sid Roth; Code: 3076D
By Sid Roth
The great rabbi, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai, could not answer this question.
Can you answer this question? It is time that you should. God never meant it to be a mystery.
Where Do Rabbis Go When They Die? points to another great mystery of Judaism. What happened to Jeremiah’s better covenant? Why did we even need it?

Ben Zakkai, from his death bed, wept before his disciples. “…Two paths are before me, one to Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) and the other to Gehinnom (hell) and I do not know upon which I am to be led—shall I not weep?”
Ben Zakkai was president of the Sanhedrin in his day. When the Second Temple was destroyed in AD 70, Zakkai had no answer to who and where Israel’s Messiah was. Ben Zakkai wasn’t alone!
But in less than 30 minutes you know these answers. And you can know your name is inscribed in God’s Book of Life (Daniel 12:1-2).