Encountering the Blood & the Glory—2 copies (Book, Music CD & CD) by Sid Roth & LaDonna Taylor; Code: 9467
By Sid Roth, LaDonna Taylor
Sid Roth and LaDonna Taylor Have Done the Preparation…Your Encounters and Breakthroughs Are Waiting.
Encountering the Blood & the Glory reveals how you can stand firmly in the power and authority of Jesus’ Blood and make you and your household invincible against the devil. This resource bridges the gap between your biblical revelation of the Blood of Jesus and your personal encounter with the Glory of God. You will:

• Discover the limitless power you have in the Blood of Jesus — you can’t lose it but you must use it!
• Learn to change your atmosphere and get direct access to God’s place for miracles!
Sid and LaDonna Taylor have laid the groundwork and opened the door for you to enter the Glory Realm without the long learning curve! You get Sid’s chosen power verses from all of Scripture plus his keys for getting them from your head into your spirit, where they activate God’s power.
Along with Encountering the Blood & the Glory by Sid Roth and LaDonna Taylor, you get Releasing His Glory — Sid reading his personal Power Scriptures to LaDonna’s anointed music — and LaDonna’s own CD Power in the Blood. God loves the violin, and LaDonna’s songs are anointed for healing and breakthrough!