Death to Counterfeit Christianity & Prophetic Praise (Book & 3-CD/Audio Series) by Lydia Marrow; Code: 9930
By Lydia Marrow
Out with the old. In with the Real!
With Lydia Marrow’s book, Death to Counterfeit Christianity, experience deep hunger for God’s presence and get vital keys you need to be a catalyst for revival wherever you go. Reject counterfeit Christianity and model your life on prayer, praise and the miraculous occurrences bound in the Book of Acts.

Transform Your Worship!
Lydia’s exclusive Prophetic Praise CD set is like an advanced school of worship. She gives you an insider’s knowledge and mentors you in praise warfare ministry, so you too can become a more powerful praiser who can change your circumstances just by declaring God’s reputation. Apply seven Hebrew power words for praising God that releases supernatural benefits all around you and unlocks breakthroughs that win your battles. Learn practical praise tools that break up enemy structures so you can experience God’s glory in your life, in your family, your city and your nation.