Authentic Glory Now (Digital Download) by Georg Karl; Code: 9669D
By Dr. Georg Karl
Where is authentic Glory moving?
If you want to know about the Glory that is coming, look at what is already here. Do not think small. Instead expect it on the scale of Who God Is and know what is coming is big enough to cover the earth.
In his book, Journey into Glory, Georg Karl lays the spiritual foundation—that is what you will build on. God’s plan is to demonstrate His supernatural reality to this world. It’s the nature of the relationship He wants with you. Georg helps you rely on God alone Whose possibilities are limitless.

Illustrated with wonders and miracles God is already doing in Georg’s home country (Germany) this book demonstrates exactly what is also available on this side of the Atlantic. You might even be jealous. Then Georg’s 3-CD/audio series, The Ultimate Hour of the Sons of Glory, helps you to become sensitive to God’s Glory. God wants to move and the encounters will change you!
- Encounters are not mind to spirit
- God’s Glory connects spirit to spirit
Georg learned that signs like seeing someone come back from the dead and more are here now. Living in the supernatural-coexistent-realm of the Glory is God’s idea!
And what about urgent world affairs? God is just as practical as He is limitless. Trust His timing! Pursue His authentic Glory right where you are now.
Dr. Georg Karl is the apostolic leader of “Glory Life Network of churches” with its headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. His ministry is known for salvations, healings and miracles.