Archive of Past Shows

Laurie Ditto’s visions of heaven each carry different heavenly truths. She's still learning, but now Laurie shares with you!

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Joshua Giles’ intense search for God taught him God WANTS to be found! Your God encounters? Next!

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Amy Freudiger shares 5 steps that helped her escape her broken body. Overnight!

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Brian Wills was 22 years old, in excellent health and one day away from fulfilling the dream of a lifetime…when he ran out of time.

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Warren Marcus unlocks the meaning of the ancient High Priest’s prayer — the only prayer in the Bible written by God Himself!

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Rob Sanchez says prophecy moves every single day through God's children. That's you, if you'll learn to release it.

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Mike Hutchings says scars from your past must yield. You have the power to break the spirit of trauma and get your life back!

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David Edwards says the Heavens are God’s tabernacle. He learned what can happen when you pay Him a visit!

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Rabbi Jason Sobel, advisor for the acclaimed series, The Chosen, says this is the season of breakthrough. For Pentecost, this rabbi declares it over y

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Dr. Sandra Kennedy says healing and disappointment just don't mix. But she knows what works!

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