Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar.
What is it with Yom Kippur and Jewish salvations? Perhaps it’s because Jewish hearts are more tender during this time of humility and repentance.
Days of Awe!
Last year, during the Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we held a large Jewish outreach in Israel. During that ten-day period, Jewish people traditionally pray for God to inscribe their names in the “Book of Life.” The ten days end with fasting all day on Yom Kippur.
I wish you could have been with me during that awesome time! You would have witnessed the overwhelming sight of over 1,000 unsaved Jewish Israelis pressing into our rented auditorium. Then, you would have been in awe over the many miracles!
The sheer numbers of Jewish people receiving Yeshua haven’t been seen in Israel in nearly 2,000 years! At that extraordinary meeting, 950 Jewish Israelis stood up and publicly prayed to make Yeshua their Lord—after many were instantly healed!
Our next supernatural explosion!
Now comes our next supernatural explosion! This High Holiday season I’m going to hold another outreach somewhere internationally (I will let you know the location afterward).
Again, we’re expecting to fill an arena with 1,000 unsaved Jews. So, please, please pray for miracles and salvations. I will bring you an update of the results very soon!
All Heaven is about to break loose
God has always blessed our evangelism in Israel and worldwide. I believe this is why He entrusted us with the “crown jewel of Jewish evangelism”—Middle East TV Network (METV). Our lineup is drawing a large viewership. Not only do we feature the supernatural, but we also sprinkle Jewish and Muslim testimonies in between great family shows.
I can only imagine the number of salvations that will come through media and our outreaches. I’m so grateful for your prayers and support. I know that all Heaven is about to break loose with Glory. I pray that the Yom Kippur Glory will overtake you and your household.
The set time to favor Zion
These High Holy Days would be the perfect time to consider making a special Yom Kippur offering. Think about those 1,000 unsaved Jews at our next outreach and those watching METV whose hearts will be burning within them as they hear Yeshua’s invitation to come to Him. Pray that each of their precious names will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Thank you for partnering with me to help me spread the Good News, to the Jew first.
Blessings and Glory,
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Sid Israel Roth