As we get ready to move into 2017, I wanted to share the four prayers that are on my heart for the new year so you can join me in lifting them up:
1) Pray for Jewish Evangelism
This is the year of a major move of God’s Spirit on the Jewish people. God is once again raising up Jewish believers like Paul the Apostle. I feel my job is to be a front-line evangelist to the Jew first and to equip you to move in signs and wonders so you also can go to the Jew first! Watch what God does with this new crop of fivefold Jewish evangelists!
Please pray for me to move in creative miracles and the anointing to teach and impart it to you. Pray for the finances to expand the reach of our It’s Supernatural! TV program and our other outreaches. If you’re ready to be part of the answer to this prayer, please give your tax-deductible,* year-end gift to our ministry now.
2) Pray for Middle East TV
God says in Romans 11:26, “And so all Israel will be saved…” I believe our acquisition this year of Middle East TV (METV) is part of God’s strategy of answering this prayer.
Pray for a lineup of TV programs that will cause METV to be the most popular network in Israel as well as the entire Middle East. The money to purchase and produce these programs will be extravagant, but the rewards will be priceless. Pray for financial discernment and wisdom for my staff. I believe God will use this network to capture end-time Bible events as well as the Second Coming!
3) Pray for President-Elect Donald Trump
Pray he will be discipled in the Word. Pray for his protection. Pray he will be surrounded by godly advisors who will give him wisdom from God. Pray our nation will be a leader of righteousness. Why? So we can finance worldwide revival!
4) Pray for the expansion of ISN TV Network
Our It’s Supernatural! TV Network will be all over world! We need cutting-edge editors and creative staff. We want to platform the next move of God’s Spirit. While Christian TV is rapidly moving toward seeker-sensitive programing we are going to feature shows that are God sensitive!
Will You Help Us Continue to Reach the Jew First for Messiah?
Unprecedented doors for Jewish evangelism are opening and we need your help to walk through. Will you join us in the great harvest that is now unfolding?