Islamist Operatives in Obama Administration
Muslim Brotherhood Members hold high positions in the Obama Administration according to well-known Egyptian magazine Rose El-Youssef. The magazine points a finger at six American Islamist officials, reporting they enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.
By Shira Sorko-Ram
Two years ago, Republican congress woman Michelle Bachman and four other GOP members of the House sent letters to the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice and State asking for an investigation of the influence played by the Muslim Brotherhood on U.S. government officials in the Obama administration. The request forwarded to the Deputy Inspector General of the Department of State was shot down.
The Jerusalem Post notes, “One hundred percent of the United States Congress should have been calling for this investigation but instead less than one percent had the courage and love of country to take a stand against the radical Muslim Brotherhood whose goal is to infiltrate America and instill Sharia law.” (Jerusalem Post,
So can you believe that a number of leading Arab countries have become so frightened of the Muslim Brotherhood and its offspring that they have declared them to be terrorist organizations while America and the Europeans coddle the Brotherhood?
Last year, Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood and jailed many of its leaders. Egypt’s government has also turned the tables on Hamas, an extension of the Muslim Brotherhood, blowing up their tunnels and closing the Egypt-Gaza border crossing.
Now Saudi Arabia, the source of untold treasure sent to expand Islamic fundamentalism in the U.S., has also declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization!
Moreover, the United Arab Emirates has not only banned the Muslim Brotherhood but has declared its spin-offs such as al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, and 80 other Jihadists groups as illegal terrorist organizations! The UAE also added CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the U.S.’ largest Muslim “civil liberties” group, to its terrorist list.
Nevertheless, it was quite surprising to learn that it was an Egyptian magazine, Rose El-Youssef, that spilled the beans by exposing six American Islamists who the Egyptian government says are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who have top jobs in the Obama administration, thereby exercising strong influence over U.S. policy.
Since the new Egyptian president Abdel al-Sisi took office, he is decimating the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood organization with all his might, as he is quite aware that the Brotherhood’s goal is to turn Egypt into an extreme Islamic state. A secular Muslim, he regards the Brotherhood as a fanatical extremist terrorist organization committed to forcing Egypt to adopt its brand of totalitarian Sharia rule.
To rid Egypt of the Brotherhood is an almost impossible job for President al-Sisi because the Brotherhood began in Egypt, and through massive community service organizations run by their Islamic ideologues, it has an iron grip on much of the rural population.
Therefore, it is understandable that he does not want the Muslim Brotherhood to take over important offices in the U.S. government as they will naturally turn the U.S. against Egypt. Therefore the exposé…
The Egyptian magazine maintains that Ikhwan operatives now spread through the American government have turned the White House “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world, to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.” (Investigative Project,
The six officials in the U.S. government named by the Rose El-Youssef magazine are:
Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development;
Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council;
Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC);
Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA);
Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships;
Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
Alikhan, a first generation American, from a Pakistani mother and Indian father. He is one of the founders of the World Islamic Organization (WIO), which the Egyptian magazine identifies as a Brotherhood “subsidiary.” It suggests that Alikhan was responsible for the “file of Islamic states” in the White House and that he provided the direct link between the Obama administration and the Arab Spring revolutions of 2011.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano appointed Mr. Alikhan to the position of Assistant Secretary for Policy Development in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. As a Senior Advisor to the U.S. Attorney General in Washington, D.C. he oversaw the National Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property Program for the Department of Justice.
Elibiary is a Texas-based Islamic cleric who founded Lone Star Intelligence LLC, “to promote a centrist public-policy environment in Texas by coordinating the state-level government and interfaith community relations for the organized Texas Muslim community.”
He has endorsed the ideas of radical Muslim Brotherhood luminary Sayyid Qutb, and was given access to a highly sensitive file containing hundreds of thousands of intelligence reports intended solely to aid law-enforcement agencies. Elibiary also spoke at the infamous Dallas Muslim conference in honor of “the great Islamic visionary” the Ayatollah Khomeini. (Read full blog by Rod Dreher, The American Conservative,
In fact, Elibiary may have leaked secret materials contained in Department of Homeland Security databases, according to Rose El-Youssef. He, however, denies having any connection with the Brotherhood.
Elibiary also played a role in defining the Obama administration’s counter-terrorism strategy, and the Egyptian magazine asserted that he wrote the speech Obama gave when he told former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to leave power “but offers no source or evidence for that claim.”
Al-Marayati, originally from Bagdad, Iraq, is founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), a Los Angeles-based Islamic advocacy group that defends Muslim extremist violence. MPAC has condemned the anti-terrorism measures of both the U.S. and Israel and has called for a repeal of the Patriot Act. The magazine draws connections between MPAC and the international Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure. He has justified Hamas’ existence as a political entity that promotes social programs and “educational operations.”
He has called for the U.S. government to unfreeze the assets of two Islamic charities, the Global Relief Foundation and the Holy Land Foundation, both shut down by the U.S. government because of verifiably funding terrorist organizations.
In 2010, the administration picked Al-Marayati to represent the U.S. government at the annual Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) conference, and in 2012 he was again part of that same forum in Poland. This raised many concerns from critics as Al-Marayati is an outspoken critic of Israel who once said the Jewish state should be added to the list of 9/11 terror suspects, according to Fox News, 17 October 2012.
Imam Mohamed Magid, originally from Sudan, heads the Islamic umbrella organization, ISNA, which was founded by Brotherhood members. He was appointed by Obama in 2011 as an adviser to the Department of Homeland Security to serve in a Countering Violent Extremism Working Group. The Egyptian magazine says he has also given speeches and conferences on American Middle East policy at the State Department and offered advice to the FBI. He is nicknamed the Sharia Czar by critics of the Obama Administration.
Eboo Patel, whose parents emigrated from India, appointed to the Obama Administration Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, spoke at a Muslim Students Association (MSA) and ISNA convention, appearing on a panel alongside Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, and Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a possible co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and who has defended the convicted WTC bombers.
The Egyptian magazine also said that Patel maintains a close relationship with Hani Ramadan, another grandson of Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna, and is a member of the Muslim Students Association, which it identifies as “a large Brotherhood organization.”
According to Rose El-Youssef, Rashad Hussain maintained close ties with people and groups that comprise the Muslim Brotherhood network in America. This includes his participation in the June 2002 annual conference of the American Muslim Council, formerly headed by convicted terrorist financier Abdurahman Alamoudi.
Rashad Hussain, son of Indian-born U.S. citizens, is the Obama administration’s envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Hussain’s background is replete with Muslim Brotherhood associations, including the American Muslim Council (founded by al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood operative, Abdurahman Alamoudi, now in prison); the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT ) which is on the Brotherhood’s own list of “our friends and the organizations of our friends;” and the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the original Brotherhood front group in the U.S.
In his official capacity, Hussain is responsible for providing advice on national security and Muslim outreach. He also assisted in writing the President’s June 2009 Cairo speech, in which Obama announced a new approach to the Muslim world and essentially declared war on his host, then-President Hosni Mubarak, by publicly signaling his recognition of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood. Hussain also acts as point man for the Obama administration’s cooperation with “the Istanbul Process,” the effort of the 57 member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to make it an international crime to criticize Islam. (Yes, you read it right!)
Perhaps an event like the Benghazi fiasco can now be better understood. The current administration’s duplicity was incomprehensible in the aftermath of the September 11, 2012 terror attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, when it repeatedly and mendaciously claimed that an Internet video trailer sparked a protest there that got out of hand. Now it appears to have been carefully scripted not just with the OIC, but Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the U.S., as well.
Every follower of Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus Christ, must now ask our Heavenly what he or she should do about America’s immediate future. It starts with prayer. It must follow with action.
About the Author

Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram are the founders of Maoz Israel Ministries. The mission of MAOZ is: 1) To declare the Message of Messiah and make disciples in the city of Tel Aviv and throughout Israel. 2) To raise up Israeli leaders to prepare for the coming spiritual awakening among the people of Israel. 3) To educate and inform Christians world-wide of the strategic importance of Israel and the Jewish people in God’s plan for world revival. The MAOZ web site is