Build a Hedge for Your House
Then the Lord said to satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” So satan answered the Lord and said, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.” Job 1:8-10
This is a spiritual reality. There is a hedge of protection that comes through Jesus for you and your house. It’s invisible, but it’s there. As we pray, the Lord will put a hedge around us, our family, our household, and around all that we touch and all that we have. You can visualize this as a physical hedge, or as we often say, think of it as a bubble of God’s glory. There is an atmosphere around you that has a force. It carries the presence and power and promise of Heaven. Negative things can be all around you, but as they encounter that bubble, they hit a barrier they can’t penetrate. Within that sphere, the blessings of God will come as well as increase. It carries a vibration of Heaven that brings everything else into harmony with God’s plan and purpose.
It’s been known to happen that a praying farmer’s land has been protected. |
It has been known to happen that a praying farmer’s land has been protected and well-watered when all around him there was drought. It’s the same with individuals—trouble all around, but it won’t touch you. How do you walk in this? First, it comes through Jesus. He became a curse that you might walk in the blessings of Abraham. What is that blessing? His presence living in you and through you. Where His presence is, everything else has to bow. The more we make His presence a priority, becoming congruent with Him, the more the atmosphere around us becomes saturated in His glory.
Building a Hedge
There are specific ways we can build a hedge: First, steward your atmosphere. Be faithful to instill the basic disciplines that are part of living a healthy, fruitful, and vibrant spiritual life. Spend time in the Word, prayer, praying in the Spirit, worship, and fasting on a regular basis. Stay plugged into a local church where you are fed and cared for by spiritual leaders. Stay in joy, praise, and thanksgiving. Keep a childlike heart of faith and expectation.
Speak the Word of God into that situation. Jeremiah 1:11 says, “I am alert and active watching over My Word to perform it.” God wants to do His Word. His Word is alive, active, and full of power. Do not underestimate the power of God’s living Word. What you say makes a difference. Your words have power. Agree with faith not fear when you speak. Stay in the glory bubble. Confess the blessing of the Lord over your children.
![]() There are specific ways we can build a hedge: First, steward your atmosphere. |
Speak destiny and promise over your house, your job, your church, city and nation. Speak in harmony with God’s truth. Release life, shalom, and wholeness.
Appoint angels. Psalm 34:7, “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.”Welcome the angel of the Lord to encamp around you, your family, your children. Psalm 91:11, “For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.” 2 Kings 6:15-16, “And when the servant of the man of God arouse early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, ‘Alas, my master! What shall we do?’ So he answered, ‘Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.'”
There are things happening in the spirit realm that are more real than the real things. When I, Mahesh, was a young man, I flew from Africa on my way to Texas where I was going to attend the university. I had only $7 in my pocket. When I got to New York, they told me that I didn’t have a ticket to Texas. I was so scared, didn’t have much money, I didn’t know how to use the telephone; I was just standing there wishing I could talk to my mother. I saw a giant of a man with a cowboy hat and boots on—he was from Texas. “You look like you are in trouble.” I didn’t say much in response. He asked me what was the matter, and I told him. “I’ll take care of it.” He went to the ticket counter, came back, and gave me a ticket. “You are sitting with me.” When we arrived some people were there to meet me. I greeted them and went to introduce them to my new Texas friend, and he wasn’t there! I knew he was one of God’s angels.
Define yourself in the Lord. When David returned from battle in 1 Samuel 30, he and his men discovered that the enemy had burned their town, plundered their goods, and taken captive their wives and children. His men immediately turned on David in anger and despair to stone him. What did David do? He strengthened himself in the Lord. Once he got back into the presence, it was like he stepped back into the bubble of glory. He was no longer defined by the empty village streets and the smoke that burned his eyes and nose. He was defined by the presence, and he got God’s strategy for victory—”Pursue, overtake, recover all.” You are going to possess the promises of God, but you are going to have to take them. The enemy will try to discourage you. You may face a reality that looks like complete defeat. You may even be attacked. But there is another vibration that you can tap into where the living glory brings a different message and a higher reality. In the glory, opposition becomes opportunity for great victory.
Take Your Place
Ezekiel 22:30, “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.” As we welcome the anointing, make up a hedge and stand in the gap. We aren’t just to enjoy the anointing, but we are to make up a hedge on behalf of the Lord so destruction doesn’t come in. Ezekiel 13:5, “You have not gone up into the gaps to build a wall for the house of Israel to stand in battle on the day of the Lord.”
“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall.” |
When your family and friends have a need, God has called us to stand in the gap. Every Christian has a hedge, but there are times when the enemy will pick on certain churches, families, or people and there’s a gap. We need to stand there and pray. When you see gaps, don’t point them out and throw darts and condemnations. Come to their aid and run to the place of battle to defend that person with mercy.
This is true on an individual as well as a corporate and national level. God has given each of us the authority and the calling to be the change agent for our families, our cities, and particularly, our nation. The glory is permeated with the mercy of God and mercy is permeated with glory, compassion, and grace (Exodus 33). Like Moses of old, the presence and favor of the Lord on our life is about more than our personal dreams and destiny. It is about stewarding that anointing for the destiny God has for our nation. If you see weakness and wickedness in your nation, stand in the gap. Build up a hedge of prayer and intercession. Fast and pray according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Be the remnant of Joel 2 that wept between porch and altar for God’s mercy to deliver their land from destruction. Harmonize with Heaven, and pray for God’s glory and protection for your land.
Ambassador of Glory
2 Corinthians 5:20, “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ.” You are becoming an ambassador of the glory of the Lord. You are a treasure in an earthen vessel. No matter how much darkness, the light will prevail. Jesus came to give life. The thief came to kill, steal, and to destroy. Sometimes the very circumstances in which you find yourself are not about you, but about positioning you to carry the reality of God’s protection and grace into that place of chaos and darkness. You may not feel like it, but you are an ambassador of life and glory.
A few years ago a woman came for prayer for her young son who was in a coma after a head-on collision. She came carrying a vibration from the doctors, “Your son is brain dead. It’s time to pull the plug.” But there was another vibration for this young man. As soon as the mother began to tell me, Mahesh, about her son, I saw her son going to school. The Lord began to show me the dreams and purposes He had for this young man as he grew older. It was like I was sitting in a theater watching an internal movie of this young man’s life and I was able to speak from that reality and release that vibration for her son. Just a few days later her “brain dead” son woke up from his coma.
The Lord was there; the glory was there. You are becoming divine surfers on the wave of the glory. The situation may be dark and growing darker, but it doesn’t matter because I Am that I Am is standing with you. I Am: Jehovah Rophe, your healer; Jehovah Jireh, your provider; Jehovah Rohi, your shepherd; Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of hosts. I Am: the Source of the anointing, of provision, of healing. You are His representative, and you can carry His glory wherever you go.
When Jesus comes, every demon in Hell bows! Often you are the only link to the Lord in a bad situation. God is raising up an end time army with healing in their hands, deliverance in their mouth, and glory on their faces. It has very little to do with you, it’s Jesus. So don’t be a person who goes into a hopeless situation and pray, “If it be Thy will.” Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20, “All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” The government is on His shoulders. Have faith in the name and authority of Jesus and release the power of the Blood of the Lamb.
God has a purpose and a destiny for you here and now. There are demonic principalities that would like to hold people, regions, and nations in terror and fear. The only people who can make a change are the praying, believing saints. Let us arise, shine, and build a hedge of protection and glory around our families, our workplaces and communities, our churches, and our nation in this hour.
Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda
Chavda Ministries International
Used by permission of Elijah List Publications: –
About the Author

Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda have been releasing the reality of Heaven’s power for salvation, healing, deliverance and transformation for over thirty-five years. In that time more than a million people have come to salvation and thousands more have received healing from critical diseases like AIDS and Stage-IV cancer. Both Mahesh and Bonnie desire that every person be fully awakened to Jesus and flourish with power and purpose for living! Mahesh and Bonnie pastor All Nations Church and spearhead a global prayer network, The Watch of the Lord®.