The Mystery Law of Evangelism Revealed (Digital Download) by Sid Roth; Code: 1855D
By Sid Roth
The Greatest Way to Bless the Jewish People
Salvation is the greatest of God’s blessings!

God, Jesus and Paul knew that when you go to the Jew first you reach more Gentiles than if you go to the Gentile first. Why? When you go to the Jew first, you open a door of blessing based on Genesis 12:3. In this Scripture, God promises to bless those who bless the Jewish people.
When you share the Good News of Jesus with the Jewish people, you are planting a seed that will result in a harvest of Gentile souls.
In The Mystery Law of Evangelism Revealed, Sid Roth shares from his personal treasury of experiences sharing the love of God with the lost sheep of Israel! You will be blessed when you do too!