The Blessing and The Glory (Digital Download) by John Kilpatrick; Code: 3321D
By John Kilpatrick
Ask John Kilpatrick what happens when God is in the House.
Pastor John Kilpatrick says we can learn a lot from the life of David.
David was young when he experienced the anointing of God. But even as a young king, David danced with abandon in his zeal to bring God’s Presence to Jerusalem! David wanted to build a place for God to reside. He knew the blessing of God was sufficient to overtake an entire kingdom! When David heard how Obed Edom and his house were blessed because of the ark, he wasted no time.
How about your home?
John Kilpatrick says it’s important to understand what the blessing and the Glory of God are, and he speaks with authority on how to position yourself to receive them. As he shares on the Glory of God, John helps answer:

• What is the Glory of God and how is the Glory different from the anointing?
• What happens when the Glory appears?
• How can we prepare a place for the Glory of God to reside?
• How the Glory can be a covering for our homes, families and churches
John urges you to follow the example of David. Covet the manifest Glory of God and waste no time!
John Kilpatrick is senior pastor of Church of His Presence in Daphne, AL. He is an in-demand speaker, author, apostolic leader, and has had the privilege of pastoring two powerful revivals: The Brownsville Revival and Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival.