Are the Rabbis Right? & Yeshua – Who Is He? (Digital Download) by Dr. Michael Brown; Code: 3635D
By Dr. Michael Brown
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom…
And knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
In Are the Rabbis Right? Dr. Michael Brown explores how the first century family of Jews became the two fundamentally distinct religions known today as Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity. Dr. Brown gives you a clear and powerful perspective on their differences. He leaves it up to you to ask, “Are the rabbis right about their Talmud? Are the rabbis right about Jesus?”

Then Yeshua – Who Is He? lays out a crisis of faith looming for Rabbinic Judaism. Are two Messiahs coming? One to suffer and die, one to rule and reign? Those two questions directly point to another question about the atonement of your sin before God. It’s a question on which the rabbis can’t agree!
Order online now. Are the Rabbis Right? (7 pages) and Yeshua – Who Is He? (10 pages) are FREE downloads!
Dr. Michael Brown is a Jewish believer in Jesus who holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures. He is an author, radio talk show host and founder of AskDrBrown and FIRE School of Ministry in Concord, NC.