Reaching the Nations

We receive testimonies nearly every day sharing how God is using It’s Supernatural! to mentor, heal and empower believers around the world. When you give gifts or order resources from our ministry, you are making those testimonies a possibility!

Beyond mentoring believers, we often hear from viewers how our show led them to know Jesus as Messiah. We are airing It’s Supernatural! in Israel and other parts of the Middle East. We are also airing in Russia, Ukraine and across North, Central and South America. So when you give, not only are you participating in equipping God’s Kingdom, you are investing in building it, too!

Through our It’s Supernatural! Network (ISN), our ISN app and other emerging technologies, we are expecting our ministry to expand like never before. God is opening unprecedented doors for evangelism and as you join with us prayerfully and financially, you are walking through those doors with us.