Newsmax 1-Hour Special
On this one-hour It’s Supernatural! special, Sid Roth’s guest, David Hernandez, has received a revelation that will set you free from any bondage or fear you are facing. Then Jonathan Bernis shares accounts of Jewish people discovering Jesus through divine visitation. You don’t want to miss this!

Claim Your Freedom Today!
With David’s new book, Holy Spirit The Bondage Breaker, you will break sinful habits and experience victory over repetitive cycles of bondage. You will overcome longstanding strongholds of addiction, apathy, depression, confusion, demonic accusations, ungodly thoughts, and more.
Keep Your Victory Forever!
Through his 3-part audio series, Help Me, Holy Spirit, David aims to demonstrate how to maintain your freedom by living in the Holy Spirit. He observed that many believers fail to practice the principles of walking in the Spirit, resulting in short-lived victories. David reveals how cultivating a deeper fellowship with the Holy Spirit empowers you to walk in lasting authority, power, and freedom! In David’s bonus DVD, Consume Me, Holy Spirit, you will witness a new wave of divine glory as many individuals are healed, delivered, and encounter the miraculous. There have even been reports of angelic voices joining in worship.

Never have Israelis faced the number of rockets terrorists can now fire from both north and south. 500 more shelters are urgently needed in the most vulnerable areas such as near shops and schools. The numerical sum of the letters for the Hebrew word Chai (life) is 18. I invite you to make a gift in multiples of 18 to build bomb shelters in Israel and give the gift of double life. These shelters literally save Jewish lives. But our Middle East Television network (featured on a sign on the outside of each shelter) points them to the One who saves lives for eternity!