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Drawing a Picture of God’s Revival Glory.
By Warren Marcus
“As a five-year-old boy in a Conservative Jewish family, I had an encounter with God that started me on a search to know Him.”
Growing up, I
was very afraid
of thunder and
My agnostic Jewish
sister tried to comfort
me by saying God
would protect me.
Then one night I had
a dream in which I
was walking in the
clouds in the middle of a violent
storm. In the distance the bright
golden light of God’s Shekinah
Glory pierced through the clouds
and beautiful beams of the Glory
came toward me making a pathway.
I was drawn into the Light of His
I heard God’s soothing voice
saying, “Don’t be afraid. I am your
Friend!” Immediately I felt an
unexplainable peace — bliss —
ecstasy! When I awoke I described
my dream to others, including
my Jewish mother, but they didn’t
understand how
significant it was.
In kindergarten
class I tried to draw
a picture of what I
saw in my dream. A
Jewish boy asked what me what I
was drawing. I said, “It’s a picture of
God.” He immediately challenged
me, “You can’t draw a picture of God
— no one can see God!” I insisted
that I did see God and this led to
an argument. The teacher came
over to quiet us down. The boy told
her, “Warren
said he saw
God.” Now in
tears I replied,
“I did see God — in
my dream — and this
is a picture of Him.”
The teacher looked
at my drawing then
back down at me
I now realize that I drew the
picture to try to communicate
that childhood revelation of God’s
Glory so others around me could
experience it too. Today, I am doing
the same thing! But instead of
drawing on paper, I am being used
by God to unveil His Glory on film
and television.
As a young man, I attended film
school and pursued a successful
career as a Madison Avenue TV
commercial producer. I was 21
years old when I finally embraced
Jesus as my Messiah and Lord.
I complained to God, “I don’t
want to use my talents to do
deodorant commercials. I
want to make movies to show
forth Your reality and help
others experience Your awesome
![]() Warren had no idea when he left Madison Avenue of where God would eventually lead him. |
In answer to my prayer, I was
hired to work for Pat Robertson’s
Christian Broadcasting Network
(CBN). There, God used me to
produce the animated Bible series,
SuperBook and Flying House. I also
produced the highest rated religious
special of
all time, Don’t Ask Me, Ask
God! It included secular Hollywood
celebrities, drama, man-on-the-street
comments and an altar call. The
broadcast garnered a 10.5 Neilsen TV
rating with an audience of over 16
million people. Over 114,000 people
wrote in to say they had prayed with
Pat Robertson to receive Jesus.
It was at CBN that I met Sid Roth
and we immediately became
friends. Both of us were Jewish
believers in the Messiah who
longed to see the Jewish people
and Gentiles saved by using media.
After CBN, I began working for Jerry
Falwell as the Executive Producer of
his flagship program, The Old Time
Gospel Hour.
Sid asked me to help him create
and produce a TV program called It’s
Supernatural! The first episodes were
filmed in Toronto, Canada. We taped
the program during the day, and Sid
insisted on dragging me
to the Toronto Blessing
revival services in
the evening. I
was extremely
nervous about
it. I had heard
rumors that
things were
not done
and in order”
there. I also
felt I had
much to lose.
I thought to
myself, What
if Jerry Falwell
found out? I
could lose my job!
![]() Above: As a filmmaker, Warren was fascinated by the manifestations of the power of God. Then a young man’s near-suicide testimony touched him. |
The anointed worship music
immediately impacted me. I felt as
if I was being lifted into the heavens.
Person after person came forward
to share testimonies of salvation,
physical healing, freedom from
depression and a new love for God.
I thought, Other pastors would love to
have this going on in their church. But
then I witnessed things that I had
never seen in any church.
As a filmmaker, I
was fascinated by the
manifestations. I saw people
weeping, laughing
uncontrollably on
the floor, dancing
ecstatically, and
so overcome by
the presence
of God they
to be drunk.
A number of
people were shaking violently. I
asked Sid, “Those people with
cerebral palsy, are they here for
healing?” He chuckled, “Those
people don’t have cerebral
palsy. They’re shaking under
the power of God.”
When the speaker invited
people to come forward for prayer, I
remained in my seat. I thought, If I go
up for prayer and come back shaking, I’m
going to have a lot of explaining to do to
Jerry Falwell.
One testimony in particular broke
down my barriers. A young man tried
to explain what his life was like
prior to experiencing
the Toronto Blessing.
He would begin
to talk, but every
time he tried, he began
laughing uncontrollably.
The laughter was
contagious, but I
tried to maintain
a respectable
religious stature.
The young man finally
composed himself. Then,
with tears streaming down
his cheeks he said, “Before the
revival, I had a gun to my head
and was ready to kill myself.”
At that moment conviction
came over me. Tears welled up
in my eyes. I started to weep
my judgment of this
man. I asked myself, “Would it be
better if he was dead?” God gave him
joy in place of depression and suicide.
I watched people being prayed for.
Then as they lay on the floor of the
church “soaking” for
hours in the worship
music, many were
overcome with the
presence of God.
Miracles took place
before my eyes!
Healing, deliverance,
marriages reconciled.
People ready to give up
on life now had a new
purpose — to pursue intimacy with
God and give the love of God away to
I finally went forward for prayer
and God touched me radically.
I told God, “I don’t care if I lose
my job. I just want You and
everything You have for me!” I wept
uncontrollably for days. I felt like
that five-year-old Jewish boy who
encountered God in my dream. As I lay
on the floor of the Toronto Church, I
saw myself in that kindergarten class
trying to draw a picture of the Glory
of God. Then God clearly spoke to me
and said, “You need to film what you
see Me doing here and show forth
My Glory!”
I would spend years filming in
Toronto! It was an amazing time in my
life. I interviewed hundreds on film
who told their amazing stories of being
in a moment as
they were touched by God’s
Glory. I also received downloads from
heaven. Every day I had visitations!
I would get so filled with God’s
Glory, I was sharing the Gospel with
Above: Scenes from the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, FL and the Smithton, MO Outpouring.
I would then travel
back to Lynchburg,
Virginia to continue
my job with Jerry
Falwell. Jerry took
me aside one day. He
had watched a TV
interview I did that
included excerpts
of my film on the
Toronto Blessing. He said, “It appears
to be a move of God. Is it truly all you
say it is?” I replied, “Yes Jerry, I too
have been dramatically impacted
there!” Jerry said, “I know you — and
if you say it’s God, then I believe you.
But don’t quote me until I’m gone!”
We both laughed out loud! Instead of
being fired, I was promoted!
One day Sid called to tell me about
the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola,
Florida. I had heard something about
it from a friend of mine who used
to work at CBN. She attended the
church there and tried to share how
great a move of God it was. I thought
I’d seen it all in Toronto, so I wasn’t
interested in going. Sid invited me to
go with him. Again, I was blown away
by what I experienced. Because of
Sid, now I found myself filming and
documenting the Brownsville Revival.
I was splitting my time
traveling to Toronto, then to
Pensacola, and then back to
Sid told me about a third revival
occurring in the tiny town of Smithton,
Missouri, population 532. It took two
hours to drive there from the Kansas
City airport. Again, I went with Sid. I
felt as if God was saying, “Get ready to
film this one, too!”
Over 4.5 million people came from
all over the world to experience the
Toronto Blessing. Another 4 million
came to Brownsville in Pensacola, and
hundreds of thousands traveled to
the tiny town of Smithton, Missouri to
experience the outpouring there!
God allowed
me to
the anointing so others could
experience these revivals as if
they were actually there. The
testimonies included on my 7-DVD
revival series (offered below) are
so powerful that whoever sees
them will sense the power of God
emanating from their television!
I have been invited recently to
a number of denominational
churches to show video
segments from these revivals.
To my amazement, God’s Glory
falls upon those watching just as
it did at these three great revivals.
For example, as I show the altar
call from the
Brownsville Revival
where Charity
James sings the “Mercy Seat”
song, people begin to come forward seeking more of God.
![]() Above: A very young Warren Marcus with his sister. At the age of 5, Warren saw the Shekinah Glory of God in a dream, which he drew for his kindergarten classmates. But Warren was unprepared for the direction his Madison Avenue advertising career would take him. When he embraced Jesus as his Messiah, God opened a door to join Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network and later he became Executive Producer for Jerry Falwell’s Old Time Gospel Hour. When Sid Roth invited him to help create and produce It’s Supernatural!, he got much more than he could see coming. |
The same things that
are documented in Toronto,
Brownsville and Smithton begin to
take place wherever I show these
DVDs. Many have told me that
this is far better than attending
these revival meetings in person
because the best of all three of
these great revivals is included in
this 7-DVD series and therefore
the anointing is far greater!
Nothing is impossible for God in
the atmosphere that accompanies
the viewing of these DVDs,
in your church,
in your home or anywhere
you play them!
The time I spent filming and
being immersed in these great
revivals changed my life forever.
I have a burden to see everyone
experience the power of God and
be filled with His Glory! That’s why
I now work with Sid as Executive
Producer of It’s Supernatural! TV
program. My passion is to help
others experience God’s Glory and to
help Sid mentor believers to walk in
the supernatural of God. Like Sid, I
long to see my Jewish brethren saved
and to witness the greatest revival
yet to be ushered in, as massive
numbers of Jewish people and
Gentiles come into the Kingdom!
Dear Mishpochah
I feel like I am going from
blessing to blessing. You can too!
I feel like Job when the extraordinary
blessings of God were poured on
him. I have learned our spoken word
is more powerful than our thoughts.
And the Word of God spoken by us is
creative, just like when God created the
earth with His spoken Word. When
God says we can move a mountain with
our spoken word, He means a physical
mountain. We do not have to help Him
out and say it was only symbolic.
For years when people asked me
how I was, I responded, “I am blessed!”
Sometimes I was crying so
hard on the inside but I
would grit my teeth and respond the same,
“I am blessed!” Some people got annoyed
with my answer. But I never gave up. Now
God’s Word is manifesting in my life. I feel
I am going from blessing to blessing. If you
follow the Messiah as I do, the blessings
will overtake you. Why? Because God is no
respecter of persons.
Remember my “lectures on the
supernatural”? Thousands of Jews
throughout the world have attended and
been saved. I rent a hotel meeting room
and invite unsaved Jews to attend. The
“carrot” is miracles. I advertise that many
are healed at these meetings. Jewish people
are hungry for the supernatural, and when
they see miracles they are receptive to the
Gospel. Most stand up and make public
professions of faith.
![]() Ten testimonies of Jewish believers in Yeshua help Jewish families find their Messiah. |
Now I have the opportunity to guest
host TBN’s flagship show, Praise the Lord,
live all over the world on August 20, 2012.
My guests move in extraordinary miracles. I
am urging believers worldwide to invite their
unsaved Jewish friends and all their unsaved
friends to watch. I will call it “A Night
of Miracles.” I hope to pack the studio
audience with unsaved Jewish people. But
the viewing audience potentially could
result in more Jewish people saved in one
night than ever
before in history!
Please let TBN know
you are in favor of
this broadcast so
I can do this more
often! Money could
not buy what TBN
has graciously given
We have just
mailed out our
one millionth Jewish
evangelistic book to the one millionth
Jewish household in North America
as part of Project 77. The TBN station
manager in New York City found out about
our evangelistic book and got five for her
unsaved Jewish friends. So far two have
accepted the Lord!
The St. Louis Jewish Light, a traditional
Jewish newspaper, just printed a long
article about Project 77. Although it was
negative, they included my testimony, told
about the evangelistic book and explained
my ministry. This was a million dollars of
free Jewish advertising! They even directed
people to our website!
Next I spoke for the national
conference of the Messianic Jewish
Alliance. Jewish believers from all over
the world were in attendance. A large
group of teens flew in from Israel. Over
50 people got instant healings in their
seats. I expect reports to pour in of major
healings as people follow up with their
doctors. What a privilege to equip these
Jewish believers to naturally walk in the
supernatural! I called my message, How
To Be Normal! At the end of my talk, the
audience went wild with excitement as
a well-known Messianic singer took off
his leg brace, set aside his crutches and
began running around the auditorium.
This was the highest miracle anointing
I have ever experienced. One trusted
intercessor saw a band of fire behind me
and Glory touching people throughout the
audience. As I taught revelation on the love
of God, people experienced breakthroughs
in the Spirit and received deep inner healing.
![]() Above: Sid with Executive Producer Warren Marcus in our new studio. |
Now I want to make available to you the
DVD of my message. I believe as you hear
my prayer on this DVD entitled How to Be
Normal!, the same “Breakthrough” angels
will minister to you, give you revelation, and
bring healing to many of you.
It is my heart’s desire for you to be
“normal” as defined by the Bible. It is my
heart’s desire to mentor you with this very
unique DVD that captured an
amazing moment in history.
How to be Normal! (DVD)
is available here.
Thank you for your trust,
your financial support and your prayers.
Thank you for feasting on our mentoring
tools and being normal!
Shalom and Love,
Sid Israel Roth
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.