January 2020 newsletter
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By Dr. Kevin Zadai
God strategically plans our lives ahead of time. It’s all rigged!
How would you live today if you knew you couldn’t fail? All of Heaven is waiting for your reply. God and the cloud of witnesses all believe in you and are ready to change your course in this life so that you can become the history maker you were destined to be.
I remember the day when things turned and I began to have tremendous favor in my life. It was the day that the tables turned against my enemy and I no longer lived as a victim. This change must happen in every believer’s life, and the sooner the better. I can tell you where I was standing when I was touched by the Holy Spirit with revelation and saw that my enemy was now the victim! It was as if I knew I had the advantage over satan. I realized that my spirit had been built up by the Word of God and by praying in tongues, which had overthrown certain areas in my life. It seemed
as though it literally happened overnight. I was overwhelmed with the feeling that everything now had been rigged in my favor. And it’s rigged in your favor too!
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What do I mean by “rigged”? God strategically plans our lives ahead of time before we are even born. It is all rigged in your favor and mine because God promised me that He would be with me and that I could not fail. Angels are on standby all the time to make sure that what God says, happens in your life and in mine.
As I stood by my bed that day, I began to address the enemy, instructing him with accuracy and confidence what he was to do and not do. It was as if I was staring my enemy down, knowing that he had to back off and was afraid of me. From that day on, I knew that I was to never back off from what I know concerning my position in Jesus. In the months after this encounter, I started to see increased favor taking over my life. I was no longer a victim but was highly favored by God, and I knew it.
When I met Jesus in 1992, I was going through an operation and He was standing there in the operating room waiting for me. I was outside my body and went with Jesus for forty- ve minutes to different places. His personal touch transferred over into my spirit, and I will always remember how kind He was to me. I also remember discovering that God Almighty has designed everything for me to succeed in life.
![]() Order Kevin’s Book, 2-CD Set & Music CD It’s Rigged in Your Favor! |
At that time, I saw that in Heaven each person had a book of destiny written about them before they were born. It was a personal book that contained God’s heart for us. The books are written about the good and positive things that are going to happen in our lives. According to our books, we are going to succeed in everything we do. That’s the way that God plans it. It’s all rigged in your favor!
Each person’s book showed how they would affect their generation and even generations to come. I saw that each book was conditional, according to how we had allowed our heavenly Father to implement its contents in our lives by yielding to His will. I saw that the Holy Spirit was called alongside us to counsel us into the perfect will of God by moving upon us in a powerful way.
If you were to read your book, you would see all the beautiful things in there, and you would see what is happening in your life. You would see that you are being promoted. You would see that His glory is going to open up for you. You will see that you are receiving breakthrough.
Some people go their whole life and do not see these things happen that are written down about them. It is so sad because it is satan who keeps them in a small place. They do not have a revelation or a visitation, and neither do they have a habitation.
If we want the things God has written to happen in our lives, we must remain diligent because of the evil spirits that will try to come against us. When these evil entities succeed, then you have discrepancies between God’s plans for you and what you are experiencing.
I want to make it clear that in Heaven, things that have been written about a person have an expected and perfect end. God has plans for us to succeed, prosper, and to be in good health (see 3 John 1:2). God’s plans are based on
the foundation that Jesus came back and redeemed humanity. Through the knowledge of the Word of God and revelation that is given to us by the Holy Spirit, we must carry out His plan in our lives so there are no discrepancies.
God wants to implement the story He has written about you right now through the angels, the Holy Spirit, and through the revelation of the Word of God. All of these things working together will cause you to triumph in this life. Do not wait until you absolutely need help from God.
Get into a relationship with Him now and have intimacy with Him. Do not resist intimacy but accept the Spirit of God, receive the Word of God, and allow the angels to work because the angels are standing by right now to implement your book. They have been permitted to make sure that you are on the same page as God is on today’s calendar date.
You are going to be affected by the Word and, in turn, you will go and help other people and change lives everywhere. Those people will then spread it to others until the whole generation is reached. This is how big God’s plan is! Listening to God is more important than you think. If you fulfill what has been written in your book and ful ll what God has for you, then those around you will be influenced to fulfill their books.
God made you intricately, and He knew you before you were
even in existence. His intention for you is attached to other people. His intention for your life is going to affect a whole generation, and future generations because of your obedience.
God is standing in our future, and He is bidding us to come to Him. In the Spirit, there is no distance, and there is no time. Be encouraged! God is with you in a powerful way, and He is not going to let you fail. We need to yield to Him and give our will over to Him. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to grasp the realities of the future? God is handing them to you through Jesus right now by the Spirit.
You can be victorious in this life! Please never, ever forget: it’s all rigged in your favor!
Dr. Kevin Zadai is dedicated to training believers to live and operate in two realms at once—the supernatural and the natural. He and his wife, Kathi, speak at meetings throughout the US and around the world.
There’s no better way to bless the Jewish people than with salvation!
By Sid Roth
Why do some believers appear to have more favor than others? Why are many believers going to one meeting after another seeking their breakthrough? Why are we living as victims of the flesh and the devil?
I operate in great favor in many areas of my life. Is that because God has favorites? No! We are all God’s favorites! So why do I have more favor than others? After studying Dr. Kevin Zadai’s revelation from Heaven in his book, It’s Rigged in Your Favor, I understand why.
But Kevin’s teaching has also shown me why there are certain areas of my life that don’t yet have this favor. And I intend
to change them. Going forward, the only victim in every area of my life will be the devil! I want the same for you! Since God is no respecter of persons, any lack of favor we experience is because of a lack of knowledge of our rights as citizens and ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven!
When I first became a believer, God immediately gave me a platform for ministry. I started sharing my testimony almost every week, even on Kathryn Kuhlman’s TV show and other programs such as The 700 Club. Without mentoring and discipleship, this type of early praise and recognition usually destroys a ministry. Even though I was not mentored, I had stumbled into some of the good habits Kevin Zadai identifies for bringing God’s favor. I have referred to myself as one of the few ministry survivors from those early days. Thank God that He instilled in me early-on some practices that caused me to thrive in ministry!
Let me share three of them with you: As a Jewish nonbeliever, I knew the Ten Commandments but I didn’t follow them. We now have a generation that doesn’t even know them or hear them in school or at home! And worse, we are being indoctrinated by many churches and television ministries with a perversion of biblical grace. I learned early on
the healthy fear of God and to live in instant repentance. Some have taken the false grace message so far that they see it as a license to sin or that they need to only repent once at salvation.
The next thing that kept me from falling and kept me walking in God’s favor was the habit of reading His Word and meditating on it daily.
But the third thing I did was the game changer. I prayed in tongues daily. Now I’m training myself to pray in tongues like Paul—“without ceasing”!
Because I prayed in tongues as much as I did in the early years, I avoided many of the lies and traps of the devil. Doors seemed to supernaturally open for me, like having my rst TV shoot totally paid for before I even knew I would have my own television show! Or having a worldwide It’s Supernatural! television network, or purchasing Middle East Television, or distributing millions of evangelistic books to unsaved Jewish people worldwide in multiple languages. This all came from praying for these doors to open with 100% faith. Why do I say 100% faith? I prayed in unknown tongues! If I knew what I was praying, I would not have had the faith to believe.
Then the favor was increased even more because of our emphasis on Jewish evangelism. God promises to bless those who bless the Jewish people. And the greatest way to bless the Jewish people is to evangelize them. The only thing we take to Heaven is souls!
Always remember, when you support this ministry with your prayers and gifts, we share the rewards of the soul winners’ crown in Heaven! I urge you to listen to Kevin’s teaching CDs and read his most important book to get a full revelation of God’s favor. One of our TV producers, Ryan Bruss, says “I’m convinced this book is all you need to accomplish everything that God has for your life!” Anything extra you include when you order this resource will be poured into Jewish evangelism!