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Suddenly the Syrian forces inexplicably turned around and headed back to Syria. The “why” was a mystery until the Mossad interrogated the commander of Syria’s 9th Army Division.
Read Now »At the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference, the Zionist Movement demanded that the future Jewish State would include the Golan Heights and other adjoining lands. The U.S. agreed—but later withdrew from the conference, leaving matters to the British and French!
Read Now »After a real cliff-hanger, the election in April gave Benjamin Netanyahu a comfortable majority in Israel’s Knesset. What does this election say about Israel?
Read Now »Today is Israel’s 71st birthday! Israel is God’s time clock for prophetic, end-time events.
Read Now »As the Great War spread to Palestine in 1914, the Ottoman Turks looked for spies and informers among the Jews of Jerusalem and the settlements. They saw Zionism as an enemy and Ben Yehuda was obviously at the top of their list.
Read Now »We are electing a prime minister on April 9. Our current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was recently indicted. On the other hand, Israelis admit there is no one like Netanyahu.
Read Now »Down through the ages the Hebrew Bible has been preserved in its original beautiful lyrical language — but modern Hebrew was born out of trial by fire.
Read Now »Australia’s decision on Saturday 15 Dec. 2018 to officially recognize the western half of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel prompted a number of outbursts, some of them very, very revealing.
Read Now »Eliezer Ben Yehuda dreamed of a family—his family—having many children, all speaking Hebrew from birth. And his wife, Devora, agreed.
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