Partner with us to reach Israel with the Good News!
Your special offering will be poured into Jewish evangelism.

God’s time clock is Israel. Today—the 70th Anniversary of Israel—the new End-Time Clock began ticking.
God is brilliant! Every letter and number in the Bible has many layers of meaning. The number 70 is composed of seven tens. The number 7 means Divine Perfection. And the number 10 means completeness of an entire cycle with God.
Over the last four years, I have pioneered Jewish evangelistic outreaches internationally. More than 8,000 Jewish people have made public professions of faith, mostly in Israel. This has not happened in Israel in 2,000 years.
I believe God has given us a small window to evangelize the last generation of leaders starting where God always starts—in Israel. And it will begin with the new move of God’s Glory. Haggai 2:9 says, “The glory of this latter house will be greater than the former, says the LORD of Hosts.”
Under this Greater Glory, all things found in the Bible are not only possible, but immediate! In this Greater Glory, you will live in supernatural peace 24/7 and witness creative miracles the world has never seen!
As we honor Israel’s 70th Anniversary, we can see God’s time clock counting down to His coming in Glory! We are getting close. But God is giving us all a longer window of favor because He wants all to have the opportunity to know Him.
At this historic moment, please consider partnering with us to reach Israel with the Good News. Our Middle East Television Network (METV) is growing in viewership at an amazing rate. Every TV set in Israel gets our network with Jewish and Muslim testimonies of salvation airing between great secular programs. And don’t forget, we cover the entire Middle East. We are also reaching Jewish people around the world with our evangelistic TV program, evangelistic book distribution, outreach meetings and more!
Thank you for your heart for God. Thank you for your heart for Jewish evangelism.
May the favor and Presence of God overtake you and your house.
Yours for the Salvation of Israel,
Sid Israel Roth
P.S. With the U.S. Embassy opening today in Jerusalem, I expect the same divine favor on the United States as Israel!