Hamas Is ISIS…ISIS is Hamas
Islamic terrorist groups murder in public and in private. Left: ISIS; Right: Hamas
By Shira Sorko-Ram
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood beside the U.N.’s Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and declared, “Hamas is like ISIS, Hamas is like al-Qaeda, Hamas is like Hezbollah, Hamas is like Boko Haram.”
The most significant element of this statement is that Netanyahu is the only world leader who has dared to point out this obvious fact. Strategically, ISIS has a united ideology, a clear belief system and a common goal. It is the same ideology and belief system as that of Hamas.
Not long ago ISIS was much smaller in numbers than Hamas and its range of operations matched its strength. Now that it has grown exponentially, so have its aspirations. The original name, AQI (al-Qaeda Iraq) became ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), then became ISIL (change the word “Syria” to “Levant” which includes all of the Eastern Mediterranean) and finally has become IS, the Islamic State – meaning the entire world.
But how did it all begin? The founder of what has become ISIS or the Islamic State, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was simply a street thug, a free agent looking to create his own terrorist organization. When the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq began in 2003, Zarqawi commanded a campaign of suicide bombings against Shiites across Iraq – with the same tactics Yasser Arafat used in the Second Intifada against Israel. Zarqawi then joined up with al-Qaeda and formed the AQI, (al-Qaeda Iraq).
Zarqawi was killed in June 2006 when the U.S. Air Force hit his hideout, 20 miles north of Baghdad. His foreign militants, demoralized by Zarqawi’s death, melted away with President George Bush’s surge in Iraq.
It was only in 2011, when American troops left a vacuum in Iraq, that the AQI’s new leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi took advantage of the Sunni’s feeling of resentment against the Iraqi Shiite-dominated government.
Baghdadi’s vision was and is to take over all Arab nations – as a start. Hamas’ vision is to take over all of “Palestine” – the Holy Land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River for now. The Biblical Holy Land does also include parts of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Sinai. However, Hamas is concentrating first on conquering “the occupied territories,” i.e. the area of the Holy Land where the Jewish people now live.
Though both terrorist groups are Sunnis, the ISIS and Hamas dislike each other. Hamas likes to portray itself as a victim of Israeli aggression and usually hides its terrorist acts from the cameras while ISIS glorifies its terrorism with gory video clips and pictures. Moreover, both have the same goal to conquer and control the Holy Land.
Abu Musab Al-Zarkawi, founder of AQI later to become ISIS
Hamas is an offspring of the Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood. And no one can say that the Brotherhood doesn’t have global aspirations for a Sharia governed Caliphate. It has over 2,000 branches throughout the world including in Western countries!
The only reason Hamas is not also spreading like a cancer across the Middle East – as is ISIS – is because of Israel’s powerful army and the Jewish people’s will to survive. Israel knows it cannot leave a vacuum or grow lethargic or Hamas would metastasize in every nook and corner of Israel.
For this reason, there are no free and open border crossings from Gaza into Israel. Even though the nations howl, Israel has not allowed an airport or seaport in Gaza, for the simple reason they would be used to ship in weapons to destroy the Jewish state. Israel believes what Hamas publically declares: that Hamas’ goal is to kill every single Jew in the world. (Google Hamas Constitution)
ISIS’ immediate goal is to wipe out the Christians of Syria and Iraq plus minorities like the Yazidi people, either by converting them to Islam or killing them. This is a call for genocide. ISIS and Hamas agree on one major point: Both groups want to eliminate an entire people group.
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS or the Islamic State
The actions of the United Nations demonstrate they deeply sympathize with the aspirations of Hamas, and are working night and day to isolate Israel, threatening to destroy her economy, convict her leaders of war crimes and cut off weapon deliveries to the tiny state.
During the 50-day war with Gaza terrorists, U.N. boss Ban Ki-moon arrived in Israel to experience for himself some of the 4,565 Hamas rockets exploding throughout the country, but had little to say about Israel’s “inconvenience.” It was like, basically, “What’s the problem? Don’t you have the Iron Dome?”
However, he did have extremely tough language – not for Hamas, but for Israel. He called Israel’s actions to protect herself from Hamas’ attacks of war “a moral outrage,” a “criminal act,” “reprehensible” and a “gross violation of international law.”
Ban Ki-moon never used such language for even the likes of Syrian President Bashar Assad when he gassed 1,700 of his own people with chemical attacks. Actually the UN leader has never used that kind of language to describe any other nation. Not Iran, ISIS, or Putin who is busy conquering parts of the Ukraine and killing several thousand citizens.
Notes author Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, Ban Ki-moon has harsh and condemnatory language solely for Israel. In fact, most of the world’s leaders claimed “outrage” against Israel, not against Hamas. Cries of “war crimes” are already abounding.
So what did they want Israel’s prime minister to do? Ban Ki-moon demanded that Mr. Netanyahu sit down with Hamas and negotiate a peace agreement.
That seems like a reasonable idea. Or does it? Why doesn’t he ask Iraq to work out a peace agreement with ISIS? Or perhaps America could negotiate a settlement with al-Qaeda.
Did Ban Ki-moon urge Nigeria to meet half way with Boko Haram terrorists, who burn down churches and the Christians in them and kidnap hundreds of young girls, forcing them to convert to Islam and then selling them as sex slaves?
NO to all of the above!
Then why do the United Nations and Western countries insist that Israel “stop fighting and start talking” with Hamas terrorists?
These world leaders say if Israel would only give the Palestinians hope for a better life, then perhaps they would make peace with Israel. These same leaders ignore all the reasons this won’t happen. First of all, the UN and the Western countries have given the Palestinians billions and billions of dollars with which they could have built a Middle Eastern Singapore. Until today, the UN feeds them, and the Hamas leaders have become lavishly wealthy. Unfortunately, instead of building neighborhoods and businesses, Hamas leaders steal the money to create the largest business in Gaza – constructing attack tunnels and building weapons to destroy Israel.
The fact is there are many similarities between all Islamic terrorist groups. Their fundamental Islamic religion drives them to seek to conquer the world, ultimately to force all human beings to convert to Islam and accept Sharia law as their way of life, and to destroy whoever disagrees with them.
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About the Author

Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram are the founders of Maoz Israel Ministries. The mission of MAOZ is: 1) To declare the Message of Messiah and make disciples in the city of Tel Aviv and throughout Israel. 2) To raise up Israeli leaders to prepare for the coming spiritual awakening among the people of Israel. 3) To educate and inform Christians world-wide of the strategic importance of Israel and the Jewish people in God’s plan for world revival. The MAOZ web site is